
On Thin ICES: Augmenting Microsoft 365 with Integrated Cloud and Email Security

Published by Proofpoint

Business email compromise (BEC), account takeover, advanced phishing and supply chain attacks continue to jeopardize global organizations, despite their existing Microsoft 365 email security solutions. 

In recent years, many of the world's biggest organizations have migrated to the cloud to enable hybrid and remote work. With Microsoft 365 as a key collaboration partner, it has become a prime target for attackers at a time when cybercrime is more advanced than ever.

To quickly plug the holes in their existing Microsoft 365 email gateways security, many companies are drawn to fast and flexible API-based solutions. But too often, these tools either miss advanced threats altogether or they do not detect threats accurately, burdening already overhwelmed security teams with a mountain of false positive alerts.

Before you augment Microsoft 365, you need to be informed. This e-book covers:

  • Why organizations are choosing API-based integrated cloud email security (ICES) solutions to break the attack chain
  • The reasons that not all ICES tools are up to the task
  • What to look for when choosing API-based email security 


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Related Categories SaaS, ERP, Cloud Security, Email, Email Security, Microsoft Exchange, Email Security, Email Threats, Spam, Mobile Devices, Compliance, Collaboration, Email Security, Malware, Security Solutions, Applications, SaaS, SAN, Office 365

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